Monday, September 7, 2009

Killer Kern weekend

Occasionally the Catalyst family ventures out of our downtown warehouse bubble, and last weekend we all herded up to Lake Isabella for Tommy’s birthday celebration #32. I don’t think any of us really realized how much we needed to get out of the city until that first evening when we were perched high upon the rocks watching the shooting stars; the soft strumming of the guitar accompanying us. The only complaints I heard all weekend were tummy-aches from laughing too hard, or tummy aches from eating too much. Who eats Macadamia Nut Crusted Mahi-Mahi With a Buerre Blanc sauce when they’re camping? We do, that’s who. It was our best Tommy’s Birthday Celebration ever. Catalyst has had so many ‘bests’ this year, I don’t know how next year can ever compare. It will though, because we came back refreshed and brimming with new ideas, events and goals for Catalyst! Thank you Grant and Uncle for letting us take over your cabin for the weekend. Thank you Tommy for being born and organizing the weekend. Thank you Tarah, Juni, Rick, and Matt for sharing your music with us, and thank you everyone for all the laughs! I’ll take those kinds of tears any day J (MR)

What happens when you transplant 4 musicians, 2 gourmet chefs, 2 painters, 1 writer, 3 fashion designers and a performance artist to a redneck cabin in the high desert? Well first you get this:

“No one leaves this place until they’ve eaten five pounds of beef.

"We should all go to Bali. Lets take the band and do a tour"
"Oh absolutely. We're huge in Bali"
"Too huge. In fact, I don't even want to go to Bali anymore"

"On the count of seven lets all go to bed"


“Wow, I really didn’t think that was going to work”

“Of course it did. We’re a collective.”

“I see another party over there.”

“Are they partying as hard as us?”

“No one party’s as hard as Judy”

“Did you hit the bottom with your head!?”

“Hell yeah I did!”


“I hate when people graffiti on rocks.”

“Well, the Indians and the cavemen did it.”

“Yes, but they weren’t just writing their names.”

“How do you know?”

“Oh, so you think someone’s name was Mr. Swirly Swirly Bundle of Corn?”

“When I was a kid I won a zucchini eating contest.”

“Were there any other contestants or was it just you?”

“That’s a good question, you know me well”

“2 bowls of zucchini, Personal best!”

“People keep cutting in front of me to use the bathroom”

“That’s so rude. Well maybe they don’t realize that you’re in line.”

“Well clearly the line starts over here. In my bed. In the next room. How can they not see that? What, am I invisible?”

Here are some of the upcoming events the Catalyst crew has on the horizon-

-Acoustic night/poetry reading

-October 17th- HOME: an art opening with live bands and dj

-weekday morning yoga classes

-Boot Camp for models

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